writen report

Toy Story 3
The soundtrack is audio that accompanies the moving image in a film or Tv production. Within the word soundtrack there are three components, the first being the dialogue, the second being sound effects (SFX), and lastly music.
The dialogue is how as an audience we can tell exactly how the characters are feeling. The SFX help for the majority of the time to develop a sense of realism to the film / tv production, this is done by making sounds through different methods such as Foley to create ambient sounds as well as diegetic sounds. Finally the music is the thing that can really help reflect the mood of the characters / character, for example at the end of a Disney film there is always a happy ending therefore to make the ending even happier and to make sure that the audience understands that the characters are happy. Sometimes the music is purposely made to reflect a different mood to what is shown in the visuals of a film / tv production, this is usually a sign of quite sophisticated filmmaking.
In the sequence from Toy story all of the characters generally are quite scared and vulnerable this is due to the danger they are in. The only character that alludes to the rest of the story is character called slinky he says “you might want to take a look at this”, other than this the only dialogue mentioned by other characters is only influenced by panic. The main character being woody he demonstrates the appearance of being both scared as well leadership this is because he has the majority of dialogue throughout the sequence, his fear is demonstrated through his yelp when he grabs onto a piece of metal. As well as Woody, Buzz also gives a command to the rest of the toys saying “quick grab something metal”.
In the sequence a lot of the dialogue is quite loud this is due to the panic and vulnerability all the characters are in. The pitch helps increase their vulnerability and there fear due to them being in wide open space, All of the dialogue in this sequence has been edited to give it a very acoustic quality . All the characters are generally shouting, this helps develop the building tension and create there frantic nature as towards the end of the sequence, they fall into the furnace.
When the toys are in the furnace the music helps reflect their feelings that are accepting that they are going to die, by playing a long note of minor music, this really helps emphasise the soon to be tragedy. After the toys have fallen into the furnace there is a repeated clanking noise that is appropriate to the sequence as they are surrounded by metal. In the sequence the toys are in a large room there for allowing their speech to become very echoey, there is definitely a reverb added to the voices of the characters.

The majority of the sounds that are put into the sequence as well as the whole film are made through digital effect rather than foley sound effects as they can be more accurate.

Family Guy

Family guy has a the same piece of music that starts off every episode in all series’s. They use all digital sound effects and only sometimes use foley. The characters have different pitched voices when they are in danger in anyone of the episodes.

Peter arguably the main character has the majority of dialogue in the show, peters voice is quite loud as well which helps establish a dominant role in the show. There are several occasions however when the members of peters family take on the lead role for that episode in which they then have the majority of dialogue, for example, the character stewie and brian often have episodes where they on an adventure.

A lot of the sound effects made in the show are very exaggerated to give the sense that they are being done on purpose, by doing this it makes a comedic show. A lot of the dialogue is inside and therefore has a very flat sound to it rather than the voices echoing.


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