Week 4 third evaluation of the Carousel

TV & Film, Make a live advertisement, advertising a BIC multicolours pen and how amazing it is.


We started in groups of 5 brainstorming ideas of how we would go about expressing how good the pen was. We had several different ideas but we ended up agreeing on the idea that two people would end up having a sword fight with a regular pen and a BIC pen.

Each group then voted for other group's ideas, the one with the most votes is chosen to be advertised.


Everyone was given different jobs roles, so the advert could be done a lot quicker; I was selected to do sound gathering. This involved me collecting sounds off of a separate computer.

Recording all sound internally on a computer using Adobe audition.

Transferring the sounds and music recorded to set computers.

Finally queuing those sounds ready for the advert, and playing them accordingly to the script.


  • Gathering sounds
  • Transferring sounds
  • Playing them at the correct time.

When collecting the sound we used a separate computer to the ones in the set. We used Adobe Audition to record the sounds, Adobe Audition is a piece of software that allows the computer to record all the sounds be played through its stereo. The sound effects were captured off a website called "freesounds.org" and the music/soundtrack was collected off YouTube.

All of the sounds were put into a file and then put onto a memory stick, this is then plugged into the set computers. We used two set computers so it would be easier to queue sounds in time for the live recording.


Memory stick


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