Creating an interview

When creating an interview there is a number of steps that have to be followed, for example the 180 degree rule this makes sure that when recording an interview.

If the camera suddenly switches to the other side of the line of vision then it will give the impression that the people inside the shot have have switched sides.

When filming someone it is important that you tell them what you will be talking to them about so that when they are asked prior to this it will be less nerve racking. As well as this is it is very important when they are answering the questions to keep eye contact with them so they feel more comfortable and will encourage them to go into more detail on subject matter.

An interview could be done in a way that the camera is focused constantly on the interviewee, they will answer all the questions, then after they leave the interviewer will then put the camera on them and ask all the questions to no body.  

To ensure you get the best shot it is important that when editing you frame the shot so that you get the interviewee from the shoulders up  (medium close up shot)


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