Scene Soundtrack Analysis

Amazing SpiderMan 2 (Electro & Spider Man first fight)


The music in the sequence does change drastically near the start and then from then on it only changes ever so slightly. This music is generally fast pace electric music, this kind of music helps reflect both the mood of the character Electro and the overall tone of the second half of the sequence.
The electric music used is a very hyper real sound which further helps reflect the surreal narrative.

Within the sequence there is a lot of background sounds that help compliment the realism of the sequence and the film. For example there is an immense amount of hubbub coming from the crowds that surround the 2 main characters for the majority of the sequence, as well as this there is also a bit of noise coming from traffic that can be heard, burning of cars.

After Electro attacks Spider Man he gets a lot of negative comments, abuse, ridicule and insult. Spider Man and Electro begin with a very calm and passive conversation but as the scene progresses Electro develops a much more aggressive tone in his voice.
Sound Effects

Electro is constantly emitting an electric noise which helps develop his character, the explosive sound effects make the scene more realistic. The destruction of the scenery for example glass smashing further helps develop  the realism.


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