week 3 second evaluation of the Carousel

Fashion, design the word Crew for a virtual T-shirt, practise Embroidery and practise Applique


To start with I experimented with different colours on an A3 piece of paper. I also did a colour check on the same piece of paper, this was because when it is pressed in a machine it becomes a much brighter colour than it was.

There was a brief power point that told us how the sewing machines work and how to use them, it also showed us some patterns we could try and attempt to recreate.


Free hand stitching, just for practise and decoration for our cotton.

Using sewing machines, to embroide. over our cotton.


  • Sublimation onto cotton
  • Embroidery
  • Aplique 


To begin with we experimented with different powder colours on a piece of paper. We then on another piece of paper wrote the word "crew" in whatever fonts and colours we wanted.  This pice of paper is then put into a large press machine which heats the paper up and prints it onto a piece of cotton.

We used embroidery hoops to clasp our pice of cotton, which we then put under the needle of the sewing machine. By pressing our feet down on a pedal the machine started to thread hoop into the cotton.

Finally we finished by cutting out different shapes from other materials we wanted on our cotton and then put a special type of adhesive paper to one side of the other materials and ironed them down onto the cotton. 


An Iron 

Embroidery hoops
sewing machines
Paint brushes and palettes
Pens and pencils.


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