
Showing posts from February, 2018

website review/ evaluation Unit 7

The design for the website was a dark colour scheme so then it connote the stereotypical horror aspect. This also helped add to the eerie thriller side of the production. once the viewer has clicked on the website they can get a very clear idea of what the film is about. The opening of the website tells the viewer what the film is called making them want to know more about the title of the film.  Once the viewer has scrolled down the page there is a segment revealing what the film is about. There is also a segment where the viewers can find the film and who the film is by, this is purely to further the knowledge of the viewer about the film. My website did intially after first being posted have some flaws as some of the links didnt work. I have since changed this so the links take you to specific parts of the website. There were a number of things that I thought could have been improved. The overall accessibility of the website could have been a lot better, in

writen report

Toy Story 3 The soundtrack is audio that accompanies the moving image in a film or Tv production. Within the word soundtrack there are three components, the first being the dialogue, the second being sound effects (SFX), and lastly music. The dialogue is how as an audience we can tell exactly how the characters are feeling. The SFX help for the majority of the time to develop a sense of realism to the film / tv production, this is done by making sounds through different methods such as Foley to create ambient sounds as well as diegetic sounds. Finally the music is the thing that can really help reflect the mood of the characters / character, for example at the end of a Disney film there is always a happy ending therefore to make the ending even happier and to make sure that the audience understands that the characters are happy. Sometimes the music is purposely made to reflect a different mood to what is shown in the visuals of a film / tv production, this is usually a sign o