
Showing posts from September, 2017

week 3 second evaluation of the Carousel

Fashion, design the word Crew for a virtual T-shirt, practise Embroidery and practise Applique Research  To start with I experimented with different colours on an A3 piece of paper. I also did a colour check on the same piece of paper, this was because when it is pressed in a machine it becomes a much brighter colour than it was. There was a brief power point that told us how the sewing machines work and how to use them, it also showed us some patterns we could try and attempt to recreate. Skills   Free hand stitching, just for practise and decoration for our cotton. Using sewing machines, to embroide. over our cotton. Processes   Sublimation onto cotton Embroidery Aplique  Methods   To begin with we experimented with different powder colours on a piece of paper. We then on another piece of paper wrote the word "crew" in whatever fonts and colours we wanted.  This pice of paper is then put into a large press machine which heats the paper up and prints

week 2 first evaluation of the Carousel

1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)  U1.1.2      ART AND DESIGN 2. Write up your experience of the following 2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions:  U2.1.1 Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1 Primary : In the first half of the day in Art we used different Mediums to sketch the same object 6 times , for example pencil, pen and ink. After experimenting with the materials, we chose our favourite one and then drew a final sketch.  In the second half of the session we went to a Print room to do Monoprinting, we learned to make a print picture, we then looked at how we could improve from the first one to make a second print. Secondary : At the beginning of the Art session we looked at past students sketches to get an idea and inspiration to do our own sketches.  Before making our own mono prints the teacher quickly made her own one to show us how it was done this  gave us an idea on how to do